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Hi Girls,

Mother's Day this Sunday!

What are your plans? I adore reading the gorgeous cards my youngest son has been making at kinder, and opening the pressies from my 2 big boys, proudly purchased from the Mother's Day stall at school.

But Mother's Day can also be a tricky and emotional time. It can be sad if our own Mums aren’t here to share the day with us, or emotional for our mates who are struggling with infertility.

Here's what I do to make my Mother's Day great. More...

Now 2 studios for the price of 1

We've now added our sister studio Fit Pilates to your Fit To Deliver membership pass. Nearby in East Brighton, Fit Pilates offers more of a focus on fitness, taught by pilates instructors and physios, with 12 Reformer beds and open to boys as well. More...

Extra classes on the schedule

Now that 2 studios are on the same membership pass we have been able to add another 10 classes to our schedule from our East Brighton studio, Fit Pilates. More...

Don't forget

Speaking of extra classes, did you know you can do pilates classes with Chloe at home?

Join our online program The Fit Mother and you’ll have access to a 20 minute pilates workout every day except Sundays ;-), as well as a different meal plan each week and some beautiful meditation recordings.

At $29 a month, it’s a great way to squeeze in extra classes and heaps of fun too!

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Any questions, give me a buzz on 9596 7400 or shoot me an email